San Pedro Urgent Care

Open 7 Days A Week

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Park Plaza

940 N. Western Avenue Suite A

San Pedro, CA 90732

(424) 450-4710

Mon - Fri    7:00 am - 8:00 pm

Sat - Sun   8:00 am - 8:00 pm


209 N. Pacific Avenue

San Pedro, CA 90731

(424) 450-0270

Sun - Sat   8:00 am - 6:00 pm

About Us


Franklin Westhout, MD

Earned his Medical Degree at Howard University College of Medicine and after an internship in General Surgery at Cedars SInai Medical Center, Research in Neurosurgery at UCI, and training in neurosurgery and critical care in New Mexico, spend a considerable portion over the last 12 years serving and practicing in the communities of Los Angeles. 

Enrico Melson, MD, Occupational and Environmental Medicine

Dr. Enrico "EnRico" Melson a true Angeleno, born and raised in Los Angeles. For over 30 years, EnRico has lectured and advocated worldwide for Mind-Body and Integrative Medicine, for Integral Awareness Mastery (I-AM TM), and Awareness Systems Providing Energetic Core Transformation (ASPECTTM). EnRico was a National Merit/ California Physicians Scholar at Harvard University, receiving his A.B. in Public Health, in 1977. He completed his Masters in Public Health (M.P.H.) degree at the University of California at Berkeley in 1981. His Medical education was at the University of California at Irvine, and at Stanford University, with his M.D. from UCI in 1982.

Doctor focused on her work — San Pedro, CA — San Pedro Urgent Care

Lorraine Lee-Ang, MD, Family Medicine

A well rounded caring family doctor, UCLA trained with practice experience in the Southbay for more than 5 years, has an extensive knowledge on occupational medicine. An excellent leader.



At San Pedro Urgent Care, we treat even the smallest members of the family! From infancy to 18, we're here for examination, diagnosis, treatment , we endeavor to work with your Pediatrician to provide the best immediate and urgent care for your child. 


Not feeling well or just need an annual exam? We do it all! We also perform DOT Exams, sports physicals and referrals for injuries. Whether you're sick or only need some routine maintenance, we're here for you!


Need to get tested whether it is for return to work or unsure if ill, we are here to help you, with a nasal swab test. results within 15 minutes while you wait. Call for an appointment.

San Pedro Art Society Exhibit

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